 Obsolete Packages

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
Address: | 100 Trade Center Dr.
Champaign, IL 61820 |
 Mathematica continually improves as a program. Part of that improvement often involves moving items from add-on packages to core programming. The packages rendered obsolete are now here, in case someone using a future version needs to make use of them. Packages that were obsoleted in V5.1 and V5.0 include: Calculus/Integration.m DiscreteMath/DiscreteStep.m DiscreteMath/Permutations.m LinearAlgebra/Cholesky.m LinearAlgebra/GaussianElimination.m NumericalMath/NMinimize.m Utilities/BinaryFiles.m Utilities/DXF.m

 Obsolete packages

| ObsoleteforVersion50.zip (48.4 KB) - ZIP archive [for Mathematica 5.0] |