 Dynamics and control of two tank in series

Department: | Chemical Engineering |
 In the notebook two_tanks.nb, we assume the flowrate is proportional to volume of liquid in the tank and that the feed flow rate is constant equal to 1 except during a time interval where it drops to zero. This gives linear ODEs that can be solved numerically using NDSolve and analytically using the Laplace Transform . We plot the volume versus time for different values of the parameters. In the notebook non_linear_two_tanks.nb, we assume that the flowrate is proportional to height of the tank and that the feed flowrate is constant equal to 1. This gives nonlinear ODEs that can only be solved numerically using NDSolve. We plot the height of both tanks versus time. In addition, we control of the height of the second tank (set point equal to 2) by manipulating the feed flowrate using proportional and proportional-integral controllers. We plot for each case the height of both tanks and the feed flowrate versus time.
In Random_flow_input.nb, we compute the dynamic behavior of two tanks in series subject to a random feed flow rate.
In notebook Impulse_Response.nb, we find the response to an impulse in feed flowrate. We use this result and the convolution theorem to compute the dynamic behavior of two tanks in series subject to a wave feed flowrate.

 Dynamics, tanks in series, P and PI control

| Impulse_Response.nb (237.5 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | Random_flow_input.nb (114.7 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | non_linear_two-tanks.nb (125.4 KB) - Mathematica Notebook [for Mathematica 5.0] | | two_tanks.nb (144.8 KB) - Mathematica Notebook [for Mathematica 5.0] |