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Solving the Maxwell-Stefan equations using the orthogonal collocation and the shooting methods

Housam Binous
Organization: KFUPM
Department: Chemical Engineering
URL: http://sites.google.com/site/homepageofdrhousambinous/
Revision date


In the bottom of a Stefan tube there is a quiescent liquid with a mixture of acetone (component 1) and methanol (component 2). Vapor that evaporates from this pool of liquid diffuses to the top of the tube. Air (component 3) keeps the mole fractions of components 1 and 2 equal to zero. This problem is solved using Mathcad in Example 1.15 of Principles and Modern Applications of Mass Transfer Operations by Jaime Benitez, Wiley-Interscience, 2002. The present notebook (Maxwell_Stefan) computes the concentration profiles of components 1, 2 and three in the tube using the orthogonal collocation method (see Rice and Do, Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineers, Wiley, 1995) and the shooting method (see Professor Brian Higgins, Chemical Engineering Department, University of California, Davis, http://www.higgins.ucdavis.edu/chemmath.php). Both methods are found to give the same results.

*Engineering > Chemical Engineering
*Science > Chemistry

Maxwell-Stefan equations, Stefan tube, Diffusion, orthogonal collocation method, shooting method, acetone-methanol binary mixture, binary diffusion coefficients
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