 Basic structural optimization of expressions

Organization: | RMIT University |
Department: | Department of Mathematics |
 Basic structural optimization of expressions. A classic program written in Mathematica version 2, and still working unchanged in Mathematica version 5. In 19 lines, the definition of the Optimize[expr_] function manages to use no less that 28 diverse Mathematica functions including: Append, Apply, Count, DeleteCases, Depth, Drop, First, Flatten, Fold, FoldList, Last, Length, Level, List, Literal, Map, MapIndexed, Partition, Position, ReplaceAll, Reverse, Rule, Select, Table, Take, Transpose, and Union. All it all does something very useful.

 optimize, efficiency, compiling, optimization, expression, syntactic optimization, structural optimization

| Optimize.m (7.4 KB) - Mathematica Package |
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