 Fully Symbolic Design of Glucose Control with CSP2 of Mathematica

Organization: | Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Department: | Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics |
Organization: | Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary |
Organization: | Technical University Budapest, Hungary |
Department: | Control Engineering and Information Technology |
Organization: | Technical University Budapest, Hungary |
Department: | Control Engineering and Information Technology |
Organization: | Technical University Budapest, Hungary |
Department: | Control Engineering and Information Technology |
 In this case study a fully symbolic design and modelling method are presented for blood glucose control of diabetic patiens under intensive care. The analysis is based on a modified two-compartment model proposed by Bergman et al. The applied feedback control law decoupling the nonlinear model leads to a fully symbolic solution of the closed loop equation.The effectivity of the applied symbolic procedures - being mostly built-in the new version of Control System Professional Suite (CSPS) Application of Mathematica-have been demonstrated in case of a glucose control design for treatment of diabetes mellitus.

 symbolic control design, control of diabetes mellitus, blood glucose control and modeling with Mathematica, Bela, Palancz, Balazs, Zoltan, Benyo, Kovacs, Laszlo


| GlucoseControl.nb (127.2 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |