 Groundwater response to tidal fluctuation in a leaky confined aquifer

 The file gw2tide.zip includes two Mathematica notebooks. gw2tidal_fluctuation.nb covers groundwater response to tidal fluctuation in a leaky confined aquifer using Jiao & Tang's solution. It was published in Water Resources Research, 35(3), 747-751, 1999. gw_near_open_tidal_water.nb covers groundwater flow (2D) near open tidal water in a leaky confined aquifer using Jiao & Tang's solution. It was published in Hydrological Processes, 15, 573-585, 2001. The file Hemker84.zip includes four Mathematica notebooks. gw2wells_completely_penetrating_aquifers1.nb covers Radial groundwater flow to wells completely penetrating one or more aquifers using Hemker's solution (Algorithm 1). gw2wells_completely_penetrating_aquifers2.nb covers Radial groundwater flow to wells completely penetrating one or more aquifers using Hemker's solution (Algorithm 2). gw2canals_completely_penetrating_aquifers.nb covers parallel groundwater flow to canals or drains completely penetrating one or more aquifers using Hemker's solution. gw2canals_partially_penetrating_aquifer.nb covers parallel groundwater flow to canals or rivers partially penetrating the leaky top-layer aquifer using Hemker's solution. Hemker's solutions were published in Journal of Hydrology, 72(1984), 355 - 374.

 groundwater, tidal fluctuation, leaky confined aquifer, wells, river, canal

| Hemker84.zip (135.7 KB) - ZIP archive | | gw2tide.zip (59.3 KB) - ZIP archive |
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