Regge Calculus Package ---------------------- Package for computing various properties including the action of an arbitrary triangulation of a space-time in Regge Calculus. Variable: Description: i4 The list of 4-simplices. This defines your triangulated space-time. You have to supply the list by writing it in entry 3 of the Questionnaire (Be careful not to alter the frame of the Questionnaire when filling in. You can add extra lines here if necessary.) For example, if you label the vertices of the triangulation by numbers, a 4-simplex of the list looks like {0,3,7,1,4}. If you prefer, you may write here an algorithm generating the list. s[ej,ek] The length-square of the edge between vertices ej and ek. It defines the metric symmetries of your triangulation. You specify these similarly (by listing or generating) in entry 4. i3 The list of triangles. i2 The list of edges. vk[ej,ek,...] The volume of the k-simplex {ej,ek,...}. nei[o,e1,e2] The 4-simplices with triangle {o,e1,e2} incident. defi[o,e1,e2] The deficit angle at triangle {o,e1,e2}. l2I The Regge Action I times the square of the Planck length l.