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Combinatorial Ornithology

Jaime Rangel-Mondragón
Organization: Universidad Autonoma de Querétaro
Department: Facultad de Informatica
Revision date


This work is an exploration into the fascinating world of Combinatory Logic, inspired by the novel ornithological viewpoint introduced by Raymond Smullyan. The work begins with historical details and is followed by an introduction to the combinatorial properties of bracketed expressions; it continues to the computing of behaviours and genealogies, the solution of combinatorial equations and the development of propositional birds including an assortment of illustrative examples throughout. Finally, comments on the use of birds to algorithmic complexity are mentioned and a list of references is included. The author has developed and made repeated use of this work in his teachings on Functional Programming, Programming Paradigms and Automata and Formal Languages.

*Applied Mathematics > Complex Systems
*Applied Mathematics > Computer Science
*Mathematics > Foundations of Mathematics > Logic
*Mathematics > Foundations of Mathematics > Philosophy of Mathematics
*Mathematics > Recreational Mathematics

Combinatory Logic, Birds, Expressions, Smullyan, Catalan

CombinatorialOrnithology.zip (212.4 KB) - ZIP archive