 Discrete Mathematics Package for webMathematica

Organization: | University of Technology, Sydney |
Department: | Department of Mathematical Sciences |
Organization: | The University of Sydney |
Department: | Theoretical Physics Group, School of Physics |
 This system of packages is an innovative contribution to flexible learning, using Mathematica interactively, by means of webMathematica. It is based on the MathSource item DiscreteMaths. Here, we have changed the notebooks into MSPs, and adapted the packages according to the requirements of webMathematica. The system has been tested on a demonstration site, on a single computer, with Apache Tomcat as standalone servlet engine.

 webMathematica, Discrete Math


| ReadMe.txt (4.2 KB) - Instructions for use | | DiscreteMaths.zip (229.7 KB) - Discrete math MSP files | | Install_Discrete.nb (7.5 KB) - Installation instructions | | SetTheory.zip (43 KB) - Discrete math packages |