 Heat-flow and energy calculations with Mathematica

Organization: | Goth, Goth & Chandleri Ltd. |
 EnergyExamples.ma is a Mathematica Notebook that contains examples of how the package EnergyWorker can be used to solve many energy-related problems. EnergyWorker provides functions for calculating thermal conductive and convective resistances, radiative and conductive heatflows, solar irradiation, at-node temperatures in networks of thermal components, and conversions between units and temperature scales. Intended audience includes architects, environmental consultants, engineers, teachers and students involved in thermal/energy studies or engineering.

 Energy, Thermal, Environmental, Heat

| EnergyExample.nb (42.6 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | EnergyExample.ma (31.1 KB) - Mathematica Notebook 2.2 or older |
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