 List To Array Package

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
Department: | User Interface Group |
 This function is useful for 3D graphics interfacing. Certain Mathematica graphing functions require their data to be in the form of a array of 3D points. ListToArray will transform a list of 3D points in any order into a sorted structured array of 3D points valid for ListSurfacePlot3D, ListPlot3D, ListShadowPlot3D, BarChart3D, ListContourPlot, ListDensityPlot and other Mathematica graphing functions.

 3D Graphics 3D, Array, Lists, Graphics3D, ListSurfacePlot3D, ListPlot3D, ListShadowPlot3D, BarChart3D, ListContourPlot, ListDensityPlot, GENPLOT, ListToArray.m

| ListToArray.m (2.5 KB) - Mathematica Package |
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