 Parallel Surface MinneView Data-File Generation

Organization: | The Geometry Center, University of Minnesota |
 Produces a C header file 'defs.h', that defines bounds, and functions for generating the parallel surfaces to the specified surface. The program makedata.c, included with this package, will use these header files to generate data for MinneView. MinneView is a general-purpose three-dimensional viewing program for IRIS workstations, developed at the Geometry Center.

 Pure Mathematics, Computational Geometry, Parallel surfaces, parallel curves, MinneView data files, Silicon Graphics workstation, IRIS workstation, 3D Graphics, C programming, data analysis, data generation, README.txt, ParallelSurfacesFile.m, makedata.c, fcns.h

| README.txt (1.5 KB) - Text file | | ParallelSurfacesFile.m (3 KB) - Mathematica Package | | fcns.h (104 B) - C header file | | makedata.c (966 B) - C source code |
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