 Signal Processing Packages and Notebooks Version 2.9.5

Organization: | Digital Signal Processing Laboratory |
Department: | School of Electrical Engineering |
Organization: | Georgia Tech |
Organization: | Digital Signal Processing Laboratory |
Department: | School of Electrical Engineering |
Organization: | Georgia Institute of Technology |
 A hierarchical set of packages to perform basic analyses of signals (functions) and systems (operators). The packages are based on transform theory and implement many concepts from linear systems theory. They support (bilateral) z- and Laplace transforms, as well as continuous-time, discrete-time, and discrete Fourier transforms, all in arbitrary dimension. These rule bases can fully justify their answers (i.e, show the intermediate steps) and allow users to specify their own transform pairs. The packages can perform a variety of operations for symbolic, graphical and numerical operations of signals and systems. Symbolic analyses include simplification of expressions, determination of data types, and reasoning about properties of signals, such as stability. For 1-D and 2-D signals, plotting capabilities include discrete time-domain plots, magnitude and phase responses, and pole-zero diagrams, including the region of convergence, for z- and Laplace transforms. Root loci can also be plotted for one varying parameter. Accompanying the packages are tutorial notebooks on analog filter design, discrete Fourier analysis, convolution, and the z-transform. Other notebooks provide on-line help.

 Electrical Engineering, communications engineering, systems engineering, Signal Processing, Symbolic Signal Processing, Signals, filters, Fourier, Laplace Transform, Analog, digital, $ConvolutionDomain, ADDITIVE, AKindOf, ASPAnalyze, ASSOCIATIVE, ASinc, AddChildToTree, AddDataType, AddSlot, AddT, AliasSinc, Aliasby, AliasedSinc, AllDataTypes, AllSubsets, Analog, AnalogFilter, AppendSlot, Area, ArraySignal, ArraySignalQ, Arrow2D, AssociateDataType, AssociateItem, Assuming, AutoCorrelation, Bandpass, Bandstop, Bessel, BesselPolynomial, BezoutNumbers, BilinearTransformation, Butterworth, CConvolve, CFIR, CIIR, COMMUTATIVE, CONTINUOUS, CPulse, CStep, CTFTData, CTFTransform, CTPiecewiseConvolution, CenterOfSymmetry, ChebyshevI, ChebyshevII, CirclePS, CircularShift, ClearQueue, ClearStack, ColumnHermiteForm, Combine, CombineDataType, CommutableResamplingMatricesQ, ComplexAntiSymmetric, ComplexQ, ComplexSymmetric, ComplexTo2DCoord, ComplexTo2DCoordList, ComputableSignalQ, ConjT, ConstantQ, ConstantTerm, Continuous, ConvertFromList, ConvertToList, Convolve, ConvolveT, CorrelationSequence, DFT, DFTData, DFTransform, DISCRETE, DSPAnalyze, DTFT, DTFTData, DTFTransform, DTPiecewiseConvolution, DataType, DataTypeQ, DataTypes, DefConstant, DefaultSlot, DefineObjectType, DefineSystem, DeleteFromTree, DeleteSlot, Delta, DeltaIntegrate, DeltaPlot, Dequeue, DerivativeT, DesignFilter, DiagonalMatrixQ, Dialogue, Difference, Digital, Dirichlet, Discrete, DiscreteGraphics, DiscreteTimeSignalQ, DistinctCosetVectors, Domain, DomainScale, Downsample, DummyVariables, Element, Elliptic, EllipticF, EmptyQ, EndBandwith, Enqueue, Extent1D, FIR, FT, FTDataType, FVariables, Fetch, FetchArray, FetchNext, FilterOrder, FilterParameters, FilterTransform, FindRMinus, FindRPlus, Finish, FourierSimplify, GCLD, GCRD, GenerateCode, GeneratePattern, GenerateSymbol, GetAllExponents, GetAllFactors, GetArgs, GetDeltaFunctions, GetOperatorVariables, GetPosition, GetRMinus, GetRPlus, GetRoot, GetRootList, GetStateField, GetValue, GetVariables, HOMOGENEOUS, HasAttributes, HasSlotQ, Highpass, IIR, IIRCoefficients, IIRFilter, IIRFunction, IIRPostUpdate, Imaginary, ImaginaryQ, Impulse, ImpulseTrain, InRange, IncList, IndependentVariable, InfCheck, InfinityQ, InformUserQ, InitTree, IntegerMatrixEuclid, IntegerVectorQ, IntegrateT, Interleave, IntersectsROC, IntervalQ, IntervalsToFunction, InvCTFTransform, InvDFT, InvDFTransform, InvDTFT, InvDTFTransform, InvFT, InvL, InvLaPlace, InvZ, InvZTransform, InvalidInvLTransformQ, InvalidInvZTransformQ, InvalidLTransformQ, InvalidZTransformQ, Irrational, IrrationalQ, IsComplexQ, IsImaginaryQ, IsIntegerQ, IsIrrationalQ, IsRationalQ, IsRealQ, KVariables, KeepNormalized, L, LCLM, LCRM, LForm, LINEAR, LMultiDROC, LSolve, LTransData, LTransformQ, LVariables, LaPlace, LaPlaceTransform, LineImpulse, LineImpulsemDT, Linear, ListQ, Lowpass, MEMORYLESS, MagPhasePlot, MagRangeScale, MagnitudePhasePlot, MakeContinuousSignal, MakeDigitalSignal, MakeLObject, MakeObject, MakeSignal, MakeZObject, MixedPolynomialQ, MoveOperatorsToFront, MultT, MultiDInvTransform, MultiDTransform, MyApart, MyCollectAll, MyFreeQ, MyMakeSignal, MyMessage, MyTogether, NegExponent, NextFun, NormalizeSamplingMatrix, NormalizedQ, NullPlot, OperatorInOperExpr, OperatorName, OutOfDomainValue, ParametersInOperExpr, PastValues, PatternQ, Periodic, PhaseRangeScale, PiecewiseConvolution, PlotList, PointwisePlot, PointwiseSignal, PointwiseSignalQ, PoleZeroPlot, PolyphaseDownsample, PolyphaseUpsample, Pop, PostUpdateFunction, PreUpdateFunction, PrintIt, PrintName, ProtectIt, Pulse, Push, Queue, ROCPlot, Radian, RationalChebyshev, RationalFunctionQ, RationalGCD, RationalPolynomialQ, RationalQ, ReadOnlyList, ReadOnlySlotQ, ReadSlot, RealOrComplex, RealQ, RealValuedQ, RegUnimodularResMatrixQ, RelativelyPrime, RemoveOptions, ReplaceWith, ResamplingMatrix, ResamplingMatrixMod, Rev, RewriteSummations, RightSided, Rminus, RootLocus, RootLocusPlot, RowHermiteForm, Rplus, RuleAppliesQ, SHIFTINVARIANT, SPHeuristicRewrite, SPLessGreaterRules, SPRecursiveRewrite, SPSimplificationRules, SPSimplify, SPfunctions, SPoperators, SPproperties, SPsignals, SPsystems, SameFormQ, ScaleAxis, ScaleT, ScalingFactor, Second, Self, SequencePlot, SequenceToFunction, SetConvolutionDomain, SetExclusion, SetStateField, ShadedAnnulus, Shift, Signal, SignalPlot, SignalQ, SignalsInOperExpr, SimplifyList, Sinc, SmithFormSameU, SmithFormSameV, SmithNormalForm, SmithOrderedForm, SmithReducedForm, Stable, Start, StartBandwith, Step, StreamSignal, StreamSignalQ, StripPackage, SubDataTypeQ, SubT, SubTree, SubsetQ, SubstituteForT, Summation, SymbolDataType, SymbolDataTypeQ, SystemProperties, SystemQ, SystemRewriteRules, TableLookup, Terms, TheFunction, Third, ToCollection, ToContinuous, ToDiscrete, ToList, TopElement, Transform, TransformFixUp, TransformLookup, UnAssociateDataType, Unit, UnprotectIt, Upsample, UpsampleFactor, UpsampleSequence, UpsampledFunction, ValidIntervalQ, ValidOperatorQ, VariableQ, WithinROC, WriteSlot, Z, ZForm, ZSolve, ZTransData, ZTransform, ZTransformQ, ZUpsampledQ, ZVariables, ZeroQ, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, analysis, autocorrelation, cross-correlation, data type, discrete Fourier transform, discrete-time Fourier transform, downsampling, filter design, frequency response, linear constant-coefficient difference equations, linear constant-coefficient differential equations, list processing, normalized, number theory, open set, pole-zero diagrams, pole-zero plot, prototype, region of convergence, root locus, sampling matrix, sequences, set theory, signal processing, signals and systems, simplification rules, stability, transforms, tree data structure, trigonometry, upsampling, z-transform, README.txt, CHANGES.txt, CHANGES-SUMMARY.txt, usage.ps, usage.tex, usersguide.ps, usersguide.tex, SigProc2.0.mac.sea.hqx, SigProc2.0.tar.Z, SigProc2-IBM-PC.zip

| CHANGES-SUMMARY.txt (13 KB) - Text file summarizing changes | | CHANGES.txt (51.7 KB) - Text file documentation changes | | README.txt (23.1 KB) - Installation notes | | SigProc2-IBM-PC.zip (977.3 KB) - PK-Zip archive | | SigProc2.0.mac.sea.hqx (1.8 MB) - Macintosh Binhexed self-extracting archive | | SigProc2.0.tar.Z (1.5 MB) - Unix Compressed, tar file | | usage.ps (240.3 KB) - PostScript version of the reference guide | | usage.tex (133.9 KB) - TeX version of the reference guide | | usersguide.ps (334 KB) - PostScript version of the users' guide | | usersguide.tex (92.1 KB) - TeX version of the users' guide |
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