 Differential Geometry in 3-Space

 DiffGeo.m computes First Fundamental, Second Fundamental, Christoffels of the second kind, Curvature, Jacobian, etc. of 3-space surfaces specified in parameteric form. SomeSurfaces.ma is a trivial package of well-known surfaces in parameteric form. It was designed as a supplement load for DiffGeo.ma, but is not required to run DiffGeo.ma

 Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Geometry, Christoffel, Cone, Ellipsoid, EllipticParaboloid, FirstForm, GaussianCurvature, GeodesicCurv, HyperbolicParaboloid, HyperboloidTwo, JacobiDG, Lngth, MeanCurvature, NormVect, Parabaloid, SecondForm, Sphere, ThirdForm, Weingarten, DiffGeo.m, SomeSurfaces.m

| DiffGeo.m (6.8 KB) - Mathematica Package | | SomeSurfaces.m (1.4 KB) - Mathematica Package |
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