 Ricci: A Mathematica Package for Doing Tensor Calculations in Differential Geometry

Organization: | Dept. of Mathematics, GN-50, University of Washington |
 Ricci is a Mathematica package for doing symbolic tensor computations that arise in differential geometry. Some of its capabilities include: manipulation of tensor expressions with and without indices; implicit use of the Einstein summation convention; correct manipulation of dummy indices; automatic calculation of covariant derivatives; Riemannian metrics and curvatures; complex bundles and tensors; and more.

 Lie Rules, Lie Symmetry, Ricci Tensor, PureMath, Pure Math, Geometry, , differential geometry, Tensor calculations, tensor manipulation, dummy indices, upper indices, lower indices, tensor symmetries, Riemannian metrics, Riemann curvature, Riemann metrics, vector bundles, complex bundles, complex tensors, torsion

| Changes.txt (5.9 KB) - Revision history of the Ricci package | | Example.txt (20.2 KB) - An example of Ricci usage | | README.txt (9.3 KB) - Installation notes and information | | Manual.ps (425.6 KB) - Ricci User's Manual - Postscript | | Ricci.m (297.6 KB) - The source file for the Ricci package | | Ricci.tex (1.7 KB) - TeX macros needed for Ricci's TeXForm output |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | README.txt (9.8 KB) - Installation notes and information | | Changes.doc (5 KB) - Revision history of the Ricci package | | Example.doc (19.6 KB) - An example of Ricci usage | | Manual.dvi (230.9 KB) - Ricci User's Manual - DVI | | Manual.ps (415.8 KB) - Ricci User's Manual - Postscript | | Manual.tex (187.2 KB) - Ricci User's Manual - TeX | | Ricci.m (277.9 KB) - The source file for the Ricci package | | Ricci.tex (1.7 KB) - TeX macros needed for Ricci's TeXForm output |
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