 Reaction-Diffusion Lab

Organization: | Armstrong Atlantic State University |
Department: | Department of Mathematics |

ReactionDiffusionLab is a package that provides two functions, RDDensityPlots and RDSurfacePlots, that animate solutions of two- and three-component reaction-diffusion systems on rectangular domains. Periodic boundary conditions and any combination of Neumann or Dirichlet boundary conditions may be specified. Documentation is available through the Help Browser after installation and includes examples of pattern formation. To install the package, place the unzipped RDL folder in AddOns/Applications and select Rebuild Help Index from the Help menu.
Updated by author 27 Jul 2004.

 reaction-diffusion, brusselator, oregonator, pattern formation

| ReactionDiffusion.zip (107.7 KB) - ZIP archive [for Mathematica 5.0] |