 Tensorial: A Tensor Calculus Package

Organization: | University of Windsor |
 Tensorial 3.0: A General Tensor Calculus Package. The package should be useful both as an introduction to tensor calculations and for advanced calculations. Some of its features are: - There is complete freedom in the choice of symbols for tensor labels and indices.
- Base indices may be any set of integers or symbols. Thus you could use {0,1,2,3} for relativity problems, or {t,x,y,z}, or {&rho,&theta,&phi} for spherical coordinates.
- Flavored indices (colored or annotated symbols) to represent different coordinate systems.
- Tensor shortcuts for easy entry of tensors.
- Easy methods to store and substitute tensor values.
- Partial, covariant, total, absolute and Lie derivative routines for any dimension and any order.
- Complete documentation, with a Help page and numerous examples for each command. In addition there are tutorial and extended example notebooks.
- There is an additional package "TMecanica", showing an advanced application of Tensorial for Hamiltonian dynamics.
Tensorial 3.0 can be found at http://home.earthlink.net/~djmp/Mathematica.html The notebooks here are an older version, Tensorial 1.3

 Tensor, Christoffel, RicciThe Metric Tensor, Dummy variables, Kronecker's symbol, Levi-Civita symbol, Christoffel Symbols, Covariant Derivative, Partial Derivative, Divergence Gradient, Laplacian, Absoulte Derivative, Intrinsec Derivative


| tensorial.m (18 KB) - Mathematica package | | tensorial.nb (552.7 KB) - Mathematica notebook |
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