 CCR- and CAR-Algebra

Organization: | Technical University Berlin, Germany |
 The "ccr_car_algebra" package has been written for physicists and/or mathematicians, who would like to save themselves the sometimes tedious work to verify algebraic identities or calculate expectation values in many particle physics. In particular I had the CCR- and CAR-Algebras of respectively Bose and Fermi systems in mind, but the package can deal with polynomials of any algebra given by its commutation or anti-commutation relations. It includes some commands particular to the so called Wick-Theorem (hierarchy of functionals, truncated functionals), a somewhat more specialized topic

 canonic commutation relations, canonic anti-commutation, relations, many particle physics, ccr-algebra, car-algebra, wick-theorem, normal-order, wick-order

| ccr_car_algebra.m (12.3 KB) - Mathematica Package | | ccr_car_algebra_describe.nb (22.1 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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