 Multivariate Polynom Series

Organization: | Moscow State University |
Department: | Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Organization: | University of Cambridge |
Department: | Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics |
 Package PolynomSeries contains tools for dealing with multivariate polynomial series. Surprisingly, Mathematica lacks tools for working with multivariate polynomial series and the present package is intended to fill this gap. The package contains functions for arithmetic operations over multivariate power series (addition, multiplication), substitution of one multivariate power series into another one, and applying any function (nonsingular in the given point) to a multivariate power series.

 multivariate power series

| PolynomSeries.m (13.8 KB) - Mathematica Package | | PolynomSeriesDemo.nb (15.8 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |