 RibbonPlot3D Package and Descriptive Notebook

Organization: | InstallShield Corp., USA |

The RibbonPlot3D.m package defines the RibbonPlot3D function, which allows the user to create ribbon plots--as used in casual trend visualization--of one or more lists of data. A short accompanying discussion with examples is to be found in the notebook RibbonDocs.nb.

 3D Graphics 3D, Presentation Graphics, Ribbon Plot, List Plot, ListPlot, MultipleListPlot, Multiple List Plot, 2D Graphics 2D, Data Analysis, trend visualization


| RibbonDocs.nb (91.2 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | RibbonPlot3D.m (2.6 KB) - Mathematica Package |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | RibbonDocs.ma (26.1 KB) - Mathematica Notebook 2.2 or older |
| | | |  | |