This notebook discusses methods of solving the simple pendulum equation. It is the first in a series of notebooks showing how Mathematica can be used to find exact power series solutions (to arbitrary order) of several differential equations. A point mass at the end of a massless rigid rod is constrained to move without friction on a vertical circle about a fixed point. If the polar angle (phi) is measured counter-clockwise from vertically downward, the dimensionless form of the simple pendulum equation for the polar angle (phi) is: The authors introduced a method of using Mathematica's symbolic programming to find exact power series solutions of differential equations (exact, to arbitrary order) [Power series approximation to solutions of nonlinear systems of differential equations, Pickett et al, Am. J. Phys. 61 (1), January 1993]. The method was extended to nonlinear partial differential equations [Power series solution of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations via symbolic programming, Pickett et al, Computers in Physics, Vol 7, No 1, Jan/Feb 1993]. If the order of the power series is kept low, even floating point arithmetic often works fairly well. However, when more accuracy (and thus a higher order) is required, floating point errors ultimately cause a dramatic decrease in accuracy. The authors have applied the method to many of the most important linear and nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations of classical physics with excellent results. Applications to quantum mechanics may be even more rewarding.