 Data Smoothing with Least-Squares Method by Polynomials of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Power

Organization: | Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Department: | Laboratory of Particle Physics |
 Smoothing[y, method] performs smoothing of the data contained in vector y and returns the vector of smoothed data as a result. It is assumed that elements of list y are a values of some function f(x) given with accidental errors at equidistant points of the argument x. The user can select from one of the five smoothing methods according to the value of argument method.

 Statistics, Data manipulation, Data Analysis, Curve Fitting, Data smoothing, Polynomial fitting, Least squares, least-squares, knots, error analysis

| smoothi.m (11.3 KB) - Mathematica package | | smoothi.tst (2 KB) - Test suite for smoothi.m |
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