 Pentagrams to Buckyballs: Simplifying GoldenRatio

Organization: | Hughes Research Laboratories |
 Golden.m is a package that substitutes simple expressions involving GoldenRatio for certain trigonometry functions and provides various manipulations for algebraic expressions containing GoldenRatio.

 Pure mathematics, applied mathematics, physics, trigonometry, golden mean, golden ratio, Bucky balls, Simplification, trig, pentagrams

| Golden.m (6.1 KB) - Mathematica package | | Pentagrams.nb (25.8 KB) - notes from 1992 Mathematica Conference talk describing Golden.m |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | Pentagrams.ma (14.2 KB) - notes from 1992 Mathematica Conference talk describing Golden.m |