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TSi Controls Control System Design Package Tutorial

Dr. Harry G. Kwatny
Organization: Techno-Sciences, Inc.
Dr. Gilmer L. Blankenship
Organization: Techno-Sciences, Inc.
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TSi Controls is a Mathematica package that supports the design of feedback control laws for dynamical systems. It includes functions for the analysis of both linear and nonlinear systems. To use TSi Controls, the user supplies models in standard form and invokes functions written in Mathematica for their analysis. If simulation is required, TSi Controls includes functions that generate C source code that compiles as a "MEX-file" for use with Matlab-Simulink a product by the Mathworks Inc.

*Wolfram Technology > Application Packages > Applications from Independent Developers > TSi ProPac

feedback control, dynamics, linear systems, non-linear systems, differential, geometry, state space, transfer function, decoupling, optimal control, root-locus, Nyquist, linearization, zero dynamics, adaptive control
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tutorial.nb (697.4 KB) - Mathematica Notebook

Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
tutorial.ma (321.3 KB) - Mathematica Notebook