 A FITS Image Reader for Mathematica

Organization: | Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University |
 The vast majority of professional astronomical images are distributed in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format, as opposed to more common image formats such as GIF or JPEG. Mathematica cannot directly handle FITS images with the Import[] function. I have therefore written a package which allows FITS data to be read into Mathematica. This package uses MathLink to call the publicly available NASA CFITSIO library.
This package has been tested using Mathematica v.4.0

 Importing, Mathlink, Image processing

| Fits.m (4 KB) - Mathematica Package | | Fitsreader.zip (449.7 KB) - Zip file in PKZIP format containing the whole distribution | | ReadingFitsImages.nb (859.4 KB) - Installation and example notebook for Fits.m | | fitsread.exe (641 KB) - MathLink executable for Windows 95 |