 A Cellular Automata Simulation Program for Silicon Anisotropic Super Micro-etching Process in Aqueous KOH

Organization: | Iwate University |
Department: | Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
Organization: | Iwate University |
Department: | Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
Organization: | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Department: | Department of Material Science and Engineering |
 A three-dimensional anisotropic super micro-etching of crystalline silicon in aqueous KOH is simulated on an atomic level using a new three-dimensional cellular-automata calculational method. The etching simulator ASECA is developed using a rule-based functional Mathematica programming style.

 cellular automata, etching, simulation, silicon

| ASECA.nb (1.4 MB) - Mathematica package |