 Use MPW Commands from Mathematica

Organization: | System Software RL Jakschewitz |
 UseMPW is an external program running on Macintosh computers under System 7, which "pipes" MPW (Macintosh Programmer's Workshop) commands from Mathematica to MPW ToolServer, and "pipes" the resulting output back into Mathematica. The communication between Mathematica and UseMPW is via MathLink, between UseMPW and ToolServer via Apple Events. ToolServer can either be on the local machine or on any machine on the network.

 MathLink Programming, Macintosh, Apple, Macintosh Programmers Workshop, MPW, General Utilities, Interfacing, Programming Examples, Apple Event

| UseMPW.nb (42 KB) - Mathematica notebook demonstrating UseMPW | | UseMPW.sit.hqx (102.3 KB) - Macintosh binhexed Stuffit! archive containing package, notebook, executable, and source code |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | UseMPW.ma (26.5 KB) - Mathematica notebook demonstrating UseMPW | | UseMPW.sit.hqx (95 KB) - Macintosh binhexed Stuffit! archive containing package, notebook, executable, and source code |
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