 Visualizing the Brachistochrone Problem

Organization: | Lafayette College |
 The brachistochrone problem is one of the most famous in analysis. First posed by Johann Bernoulli in 1696, the problem consists of finding the curve that will transport a particle most rapidly from one point to a second not directly below it, under the force of gravity only. The solution to the problem is a cycloid connecting the two points. This item contains a package defining commands that create animations of the the brachistochrone problem. The commands allow the introduction of friction, and there is a command that allows one to animate a "race" of particles dropping down two competing curves.

 Brachistochrone problem, cycloid animation, graphics, courseware, calculus education

| BrachExample.nb (1002.3 KB) - Example notebook | | Brachistochrone.m (7.7 KB) - Mathematica package defining the commands |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | BrachExample.ma (340 KB) - Example notebook |