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Generalized Coordinate Package for the MechanicalSystems Pack

Robert Beretta
Organization: Dynamic Modeling
Old MathSource #

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The Generalized Coordinate Package is an extension package for the Mathematica MechanicalSystems Pack, which is commercially available through WRI. The G.C. Package allows the location and orientation of some or all of the bodies in a MechanicalSystems Pack model to be represented by user-specified generalized coordinates, instead of the reference point coordinates that are normally used by the M.S. Pack. This capability can significantly reduce the total number of coordinates in a model.

The G.C. Package can be used to generate a minimal set of equations of motion for any open loop system and, with some algebraic reduction, many closed loop systems. Three-dimensional models that use simple revolute or prismatic constraints (among others) can show large decreases in computation time by reducing the total number of coordinates. The G.C. Package is backwards compatible with the standard M.S. Pack. The G.C. Package includes a users manual in notebook form with examples of kinematic and dynamic simulations and reduced mass matrix manipulations useful in robotics.

*Engineering > Mechanical and Structural Engineering
*Wolfram Technology > Application Packages > Wolfram Research Applications > MechanicalSystems

coordinates, dynamic, generalized, kinematic, mechanical, mechanism, motion, systems, robotics, open-loop system, closed-loop system, prismatic constraint
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GenCrd2D.m (6.5 KB) - 2D specific portion of source code
GenCrd3D.m (18.6 KB) - 3D specific portion of source code
GenCrdAppendix.nb (36.5 KB) - Command reference for package in notebook form
GenCrdCommon.m (13.5 KB) - Source code common to 2D and 3D versions
GenCrdManual.nb (538.1 KB) - Users manual for package in notebook form

Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
GenCrdAppendix.ma (19.6 KB) - Command reference for package in notebook form
GenCrdManual.ma (286.3 KB) - Users manual for package in notebook form