 Ito's Lemma

Organization: | Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta |
Department: | Economic Advisor, Research Department |
 An Ito process can be thought of as a stochastic differential equation. Ito's lemma provides the rules for computing the Ito process of a function of Ito processes. In other words, it is the formula for computing stochastic derivatives. This package computes Ito's formula for arbitrary functions of an arbitrary number of Ito processes with an abritrary number of Brownians. The Brownians may have an arbitrary correlation matrix. Updated in April 2003

 Ito Calculus, Ito Process, Financial Derivatives, Black-Scholes, Stochastic Differential Equations, Brownian motion

| ItosLemma.m (13.1 KB) - Mathematica Package | | ItosLemma.nb (103.3 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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