 Generating Feynman Graphs and Amplitudes with FeynArts

Organization: | Max-Planck-Institute for Physics (Werner-Heisenberg-Institute) |
 FeynArts is a Mathematica package for the generation and visualization of Feynman diagrams and amplitudes. The current version 3 features a completely new rendering engine for PostScript and LaTeX, together with full support of the Mathematica Frontend's graphical capabilities. It is also no longer dependent on the X platform for topology editing. Some of the features of version 3 are: - The generation of diagrams is possible at three levels: generic fields, classes of fields, or specific particles. - The model information is contained in two special files: The generic model file defines the representation of the kinematical quantities like spinors or vector fields. The classes model file sets up the particle content and specifies the actual couplings. Since the user can create own model files, the applicability of FeynArts is virtually unlimited within perturbative quantum field theory. - In addition to ordinary diagrams, FeynArts can generate counter-term diagrams and diagrams with placeholders for one-particle irreducible vertex functions (skeleton diagrams). - FeynArts employs the so-called ``flipping-rule'' algorithm to concatenate fermion chains. This algorithm is unique in that it works also for Majorana fermions and the fermion-number-violating couplings they entail (e.g. quark-squark-gluino) and hence allows supersymmetric models to be implemented in FeynArts. - Vertices of arbitrary adjacency (a requirement for effective theories) are allowed. - Mixing propagators, such as appear in non-R_\xi-gauges, are supported. - FeynArts produces publication-quality Feynman diagrams in PostScript or LaTeX in a format that allows easy customization.

 Feynman diagram, Feynman graph, Feynman chart, Feynman, Feynamn rules, physics, high energy physics, quantum field theory, Perturbation theory, differential cross sections, decay rates, field theories, S-matrix elements, Green functions, topologies, graphics, particle physics, particles, electron, proton, neutrino, quark, muon, tauon, positron, Raddeev Popov, fermions, photon, boson, gluon, Higgs, CreateFeynAmp, FeynmanGauge, Truncated, $DDimensions, CreateTopologies, Tadpoles, SelfEnergies, WFCorrections, Triangles, Boxes, Theta, Eight, Bicycle, TopologyList, Topology, Propagator, Vertex, AntiParticle, VertexList, ParticleList, PossibleParticles, AnalyticalCoupling, AnalyticalPropagator, Mass, PropList, CoupList, InitializedModels, QuarkMixingMatrix, $ModelFiles, Model, ProcessName, UnitaryGauge, Generation1, Generation2, Generation3, QuarkMixing, LightFHCoupling, ElectronHCoupling, RemoveEmptyTops, ScreenMessages, CheckModel, ModelNameSymbol, SymbolToModel, PolarizationVector, LineSpec, InsertFields, Paint, FeynEdit, PaintScaling, GrayBackground, ShowGrid, ShowPointNames, GraphPerRow, RowsPerSheet, AutoEdit, ScreenOutput, PropagatorThickness, VertexSize, FullNumbering, FeynArtsGraphics, AddMomenta, Compare, DrawLine, Orientation, TopToGrassman, FeynInit, FeynMultiplication, GraphPoints, FeynCalcRules, ReadRules, LastRules, VertexHandling


| FA22Guide.ps.gz (251.3 KB) - gzip PostScript documentation manual | | FA3Guide.ps.gz (243.6 KB) - User manual | | FeynArts12.tar.gz (272.5 KB) - Compressed Unix tar image of FeynArts, version 1.2 | | FeynArts22.tar.gz (331 KB) - Compressed Unix tar image of FeynArts, version 2.2 | | FeynArts3.tar.gz (379.5 KB) - FeynArts package | | README.FeynArts (850 B) - Brief description & installation instructions |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | README.txt (1.4 KB) - Installation notes and getting started | | FeynArts.ps (1.3 MB) - PostScript documentation manual | | FeynArts.sit.hqx (813.7 KB) - Binhexed stuffit archive of FeynArts directory for Macintosh | | FeynArts.tar.Z (536.1 KB) - Compressed Unix tar image of FeynArts directory | | FeynArts.zip (483.7 KB) - PK-ZIP archive of FeynArts directory |
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