Fortran Definitions
Organization: | Finnish Meterological Institute |
This Mathematica code defines a function FortranDef that takes a Mathematica expression, writes a corresponding, optimized Fortran program, compiles it, and defines a Mathematica function that calls the program.
FortranDef, MultiEval, FortranIntegrate2DDef, FortranIntegrate2D, VariableType, , ParameterType, IntvarType, Nx, Ny, DontCompile, Fortran, Programming example, Interfacing, Fortran, Compiler, External functions, unix
| FortranDef.nb (26.5 KB) - Mathematica notebook, updated to v3, | | FortranDefDemo.nb (9.5 KB) - Test file for FortranDef.nb | Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
| | FortranDef.m (19.4 KB) - Mathematica package | | FortranDefDemo.m (5.5 KB) - Test file for FortranDef.m |
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