 MathSource Reviews: Calendars, Time, and Dates in Mathematica

Organization: | Boeing Phantom Works |

Mathematica in Education and Research |
 This MathSource review begins the fourth year of these reviews in this journal. As such, it might be appropriate to update concepts examined in past reviews. In that vein, note this: Recent Mathematica literature offers treatments of weighted voting systems [Tannenbaum 1997] examined here in issue 4(3), and of Spirograph output generation [Lee 1996] examined here in issue 3(1). But perhaps it would be more timely, on the third anniversary of these reviews, to explore that which alerts one to an anniversary's occurrence: the calendar. This review examines the calendar, time, and date functions, notebooks, and packages available through MathSource.


| Review54.nb (36.5 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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