 Graphing: A Package to Enhance Plots with Auxiliary Graphics: Graphing Singular Functions and One-Dimensional Inequalities According to Standard Mathematical Conventions

Organization: | Hunter College, City University of New York |
 2001 Mathematica Developer Conference
 Champaign, IL
 To enable students of calculus and precalculus to include auxiliary graphics conveniently in their graphs--and thereby reduce the potential for confusion and misinterpretation that can result from relying solely on a singular function's plot--it is important to have tools that generate auxiliary graphics in accordance with standard mathematical conventions. In this presentation, we describe three commands--RationalGraph, Graph, and Graph1D (synonym InequalityGraph)--that display the auxiliary graphics enhancements that are traditionally used when graphing functions with singularities and when graphing inequalities in one dimension. These commands make up the 'Graphing package.


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