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Intercall: Fire Animation

Terry Robb
Organization: RMIT University
Department: Department of Mathematics

The Fire.ma notebook contains a 60 frame animation of a fire. A fire texture, based on standard noise generating techniques, is written as a Mathematica function and then passed through the InterCall pseudo-code compiler to speed the function up by a factor of about 100. This notebook therefore not only shows a cute animation, but also illustrates a method for improving code performance.

*Wolfram Technology > Programming > Animations

Fire Animation, 2D Graphics 2D, 2D Graphics Animation, InterCall, Programming Examples, engineering, Applied Mathematics, Enhancements Interfacing, Code Generation, Graphics Examples, MathLink
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Fire.nb (1.5 MB) - Mathematica Notebook

Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
Fire.ma (1.4 MB) - Mathematica Notebook 2.2 or older