 Polar Graphs: Rose Curves and Lemniscates

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
 Students will be able to recognize from the equation whether the polar function is a rose curve, lemniscate, limaçon, or a circle, and determine information about the polar graph, such as orientation, radius, diameter, number of petals, etc. from the equation. Students will also learn how to plot these graphs using Mathematica. This notebook covers topics that fulfill the following NCTM standards: - Algebra 9–12: understand patterns, relations, and functions
- Algebra 9–12: use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships

 Pre-Calculus, Algebra 2, College Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, Polar Graphs, Polar Equations, Rose Curves, Lemniscates, Petals, Symmetry, High School, Precollege, NCTM

| PolarGraphsRoseCurvesLemniscates.nb (1.2 MB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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