 The Colorado School of Mines Weekly Calculus Projects

Organization: | Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines |
 The Colorado School of Mines uses Mathematica in all sections of the campuswide required first-year calculus sequence. This is a collection of weekly Mathematica projects designed to demonstrate the realistic use of Mathematica in scientific work. Mathematica is introduced at a measured pace and competence is built steadily. There are occasional references to the Edwards and Penney text, Edition 3, but the material is not tied to this text in any essential way.

 Education, High School courseware, highschool courseware, graduate courseware, college courseware, teaching, PostScript worksheets, classroom, calculus, teaching materials, instructional materials, educational materials, README.txt


| README.txt (4.1 KB) - Text file | | Colorado-300dpi.sit.hqx (4.4 MB) - Macintosh archive | | Colorado-300dpi.tar.Z (2.8 MB) - UNIX compressed file | | Colorado-300dpi.zip (2.3 MB) - ZIP archive |
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