 Calculus Student Tools

Organization: | Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines |
 Calculus.m is a Mathematica package which implements several different methods of approximate numerical integration, including Riemann Sum, left and right endpoint rules, trapezoid rule, midpoint rule, Simpson's rule, and Newton's method. The package also contains a fix for the infamous cube root problem (i.e., the negative root, instead of a complex one is selected for (-1)^(p/q), when q is odd and p/q is in lowest terms). This file is intended to be part of the student environment via init.m. This tools package is part of a larger collection of courseware from the Colorado School of Mines.

 Calculus, Definite Integrals, Extrema, Integration, Integration Methods, Left Endpoint Rule, LeftEndpointRule, Limitf, Midpoint Rule, MidpointRule, NExtrema, Newton, Newtons Method, Numeric Integration, Plotf, Riemann Sum, RiemannSum, Right Endpoint Rule, RightEndpointRule, Simpson Rule, SimpsonRule, Tabf, Trapezoid Rule, TrapezoidRule, Calculus.m


| Calculus.m (12.8 KB) - Mathematica Package |
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