 Computer Algebra with Mathematica

Organization: | University of Massachusetts Lowell |
Department: | Mathematical Sciences |
 Requirements for the course: - Registration through Continuing Education at UMass Lowell: http://continuinged.uml.edu/online.
- Mathematica 4+. Student versions are available at the Wolfram site or through JourneyEd.com You must prove that you are a student to register this version.
- A computer that will run your version of Mathematica (most likely a Macintosh or IBM) Note: No matter what platform you run Mathematica on, there no problem sharing Mathematica notebooks because they are plain text files and can be easily emailed without any conversion between platforms.
- An Internet connection & experience with internet tools, including email, www and ftp.
 This three credit course will be conducted almost completely by using the Internet. The course has been running successfully since 1996. An archive of student work is available at http://www.uml.edu/Dept/Math/m419/proj/MMProj.html Topics: The Three Phases of the Course: - Phase 1 (Weeks 1 - 5) Become familiar with the basic features of Mathematica. Start to think about possible project topics.
- Phase 2 (Weeks 6 - 10) Learn more Mathematica Select a project topic and start working on the project Submit a project outline by the end of Week 10
- Phase 3 (Weeks 11 - 14) Learn specialized topics of Mathematica that apply to your topic. Complete a preliminary version of the final project (no later than the start of Week 13). Complete the final project based on feedback.
