 Third course in calculus and analytic geometry: three dimensional space, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, and multiple integrals. Calculus&Mathematica is a complete, modern calculus course developed recently at the University of Illinois and Ohio State University. The course, which is based on an interactive electronic text written as a series of Mathematica notebooks, fully integrates the numeric, symbolic and graphic capabilities of Mathematica as tools to explore calculus concepts, methods and applications. As such, it differs markedly in content emphasis and organizational style as well as in its underlying pedagogy from "traditional" calculus courses. Calculus&Mathematica (C&M) is a college-level course that is taught at a number universities and high schools throughout the country. NetMath courses have been taught at a distance from the University of Illinois Campus for the past 6 years. Students are each assigned a mentor to help them through the course, answer questions, and grade their homework assignment.