 In 2016 the world will begin a fifteen year endeavor toward achieving 17 ambitious goals with well over 100 sub-goals. Where the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were focused on specific critical issues, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are designed to be comprehensive and inclusive enough so that all countries of the world can set targets and design plans toward achieving them. If, by 2030, the targets are reached, the world will be on a much more sustainable trajectory with greater equality and a better chance for all. This global strategic plan and massive set of goals will require a complex and integrated tracking and reporting system. The Wolfram Technology Stack has sufficient depth and breadth to be the backbone for a comprehensive, integrated, cost-effective and easy-to-use system. The presentation will describe how the Wolfram Technology Stack can be used to model what a comprehensive system might look like and will demonstrate components and linkages using many Wolfram capabilities including: data bins, cloud deployment, interpreters, semantic data, machine learning, Wolfram Alpha and other curated data, visualization, geolocation, data from the internet-of-things, dashboards, reporting and publishing templates as well as much of Mathematica’s core functionality. While modeling how this integrated system might work is the primary goal of the presentation, the Wolfram Technology Stack is robust enough and comprehensive enough to actually BE the measuring and reporting tool set for the Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, the presentation will conclude with ideas for what next action steps might be.