 Working with NoSQL using Wolfram Language

Organization: | Wolfram Research |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2014
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 Wolfram Language can be used to connect and work with a NoSQL database using some of the existing link technologies like NETLink and JLink. Once the data is in Mathematica, functions in Wolfram Language provide a flexible way of managing and manipulating data. This presentation will show how to connect to MongoDB using NETLink, what is the structure of a MongoDB database and how to perform basic operations of Creating, Retrieving, Updating and Deleting data.


| WorkingWithNoSQLUsingWL.nb (343.4 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | neo4j-jdbc-2.1.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar (2.8 MB) - Unknown MIME type |