 Mathematica in Digital Subtraction Perfusiography of Burn Wounds

Organization: | Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic |
Department: | Institute of Physics |
Organization: | Silesian University in Opava |
Department: | Institute of Physics |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2014
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 Mathematica in digital subtraction perfusiography of burn wounds Talk Description: We present the progress of the PIPPA (Perfusion Image Progression and Prognosis Assessment) project aimed at improving the early posttraumatic day laser Doppler diagnostics of burn injuries. Since recent presentation at WTC 2013 it has considerably been improved and new features of Mathematica have been involved. PIPPA facilitates (besides creation of the perfusion maps) subtraction of blood perfusion maps of a burn wound taken at different times. The task of obtaining subtraction maps under clinical conditions presents a challenge since the two perfusion scans separated by several days usually differ more than the algorithms for image registration can cope with. At this point Mathematicas extensive interactive and image processing capabilities gain ground in the form of Digital Subtraction Perfusiography (DSP) method. The perfusion maps and/or subtraction maps overlaid over the wound area photographs permit topographic discrimination of healing and compromised loci. The method improves diagnostics and topographical accuracy in treatment planning, particularly enables reduction of unnecessary surgery. The method is being clinically tested but still under development, we are going to present the most recent version.


| WTC2014-BurnsPerfusiography-BryjovaHledik.nb (6.4 MB) - Mathematica Notebook | | WTC2014-PIPPA_Workflow-BryjovaHledik.nb (7.9 MB) - Mathematica Notebook |