 Dynamic Theory Explains that Protons + Electrons form Neutron, Deuteron and Alpha Particles

 Wolfram Technology Conference 2014
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 This presentation offers a brief overview of Pharis E. Williams' Dynamic Theory. In its most general form the theory predicts the geometry and generates equations for Classical and Relativistic Maxwell Equations, for Newton's Equations, for Einstein's Special and General Relativity, and for Schrodinger's Quantum Mechanics. One of its key predictions is the Non-Singular Potential, a function derived with a parameter that similar to Plank's Constant, but is unique to each particle rather than a fixed constant of nature that applies to all particles. This potential function is consistent with classical Newton and Maxwell equations for common applications of those theories at human scales. At Atomic and Nuclear distances, the non-singular potential explains when a proton and electron form a hydrogen atom, when they form a neutron, and the model predicts the half life of a neutron from quantum tunneling considerations. At atomic distances the model predicts the structure of the deuteron, of the He-4 nucleus and led to experiments and a patent for a low energy barrier deuterium fusion reaction. Some examples of Dynamic Theory computations that were not possible in the past but may now be possible in Mathematica, will be offered to conclude this introductory presentation.


| Dynamic Theory Proton Electron Neutron Deuteron Alpha 2014 WTC by JC Rock.nb (436.3 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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