 Technology Built for Computer-based Math (CBM)

Organization: | Wolfram Research Europe |
Department: | Sales & Marketing Manager |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2014
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 While the central purpose of Computer-based Math (CBM) is to build a completely new math curriculum with computer-based computation at its heart, it is also important to produce the classroom materials to support the teaching of this curriculum in the classroom. This talk will demonstrate a set of tools built by the Computer-based Math team for its pilot project in Estonia. These will include class collaboration tools, formative assessment tools, and document production work flow tools. All the tools have been built using the Wolfram language and use Computable Document Format technologies and webMathematica.

 Track: Education

| TechBuiltForCBM.nb (539.7 KB) - Mathematica Notebook [for Mathematica 10] | | WTC-CBM Technology_JonMcLoone.nb (539.7 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |