 Gaussian Hypergeometric Functions in the Uzawa-Lucas Growth Model

Organization: | University of Economics, Katowice, Poland |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2012
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 Hypergeometric functions (HFs) are usually defined as the solutions of some differential equations and have both, series and integral representations. Recently, one of the promising areas of applications of HFs seems to be economic dynamics. The reason is that some growth models have a closed form solutions in terms of HFs. The solutions, as well as HFs alone, have usually very complex form and in the analysis of their properties computer algebra systems are very helpful. The paper contains some information on so called Gaussian HFs. It also presents an example of application of Gaussian HFs in the Uzawa-Lucas growth model and some capabilities of 'Mathematica' in an analysis of optimal solutions of this model.

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