 Using Mathematica for Education in Physical Sciences

Organization: | Palacký University, Czech Republic |
Department: | Department of Experimental Physics |
Organization: | Palacký University, Czech Republic |
Department: | Department of Experimental Physics |
Organization: | Moravian College Olomouc, Czech Republic |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2013
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 The Physical Sciences contains a lot of marvellous phenomena and situation that can be processed and then the results can be presented via Mathematica. At our university we decided to variegate the lessons of physical sciences with demonstrations and processing real measured data with the help of Mathematica. In our presentation we will show some created applications of phenomena from the field of physical sciences. First of all, we want to point to creating of virtual simulations that we compare with real experiments. These applications are created for future teachers of Physics at Department of Experimental Physics, Palacký University Olomouc to spread their interest about creations of their own models of some phenomena from area of physical sciences. Then we will focus on processing real data out of lab experiments that the students measure during the basic course of Physics. And the last part will describe the usage software Mathematica and Wolfram Alpha in teaching basic course of Maths for first-year students of bachelor program of Physics.


| DATA.txt (1.5 KB) - Text file | | PresentationWTC2013.nb (11.3 MB) - Mathematica Notebook |