 A System for Analog Filter Design, Realization, and Verification Using Mathematica and SystemModeler

 Wolfram Technology Conference 2013
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 Analog filters are an essential part of modern electronics; however, their design, realization and verification can be arduous and time consuming. This paper describes a Mathematica and SystemModeler platform for automated, fast analog filter design and simulation. The platform consists of two key components: 1. SystemModeler library of first and second order low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-stop, and all-pass filters. The models were created based on some of the most popular filter topologies: Sallen-Key, Tow-Thomas (biquad), State Variable, Multiple Feedback, Bainter, Boctor and Twin-T circuits. They serve as basic building blocks in creation of higher order filters. 2. Mathematica package based on Butterworth, Chebyshev and elliptic frequency response approximations and different filter topologies. > For a given set of design specifications such as filter type, frequency range, attenuation and gain, the program returns the filter order, number of stages (first and second-order filter stages to be cascaded), and transfer function, gain, cutoff frequency and quality factor for each stage. For any user-selected filter topology, the program returns values of filter components (resistors and capacitors) for each stage, applies them to the model and simulates the model to verify the time and frequency responses of the model. We therefore, have a fast and effective means of filter realization and verification, with programmatic control of simulation and filter components.


| AnalogFilterDesignConference2013.nb (1.5 MB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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