 Math and Mathematica 9 for Blind Students and Blind Users

 Wolfram Technology Conference 2013
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 introduce the problem of trying to teach visually impaired, ESL, recent refugee immigrant students mathematics - basic math through algebra 1; and describe the current (limited) state of technological options for presenting documents in braille format and in nemeth format. I will review what we (as a teacher and a tutor) have been doing to accommodate these students; and how we create documents for them. In our search for a way to do math representation, we have come to believe that Mathematica provides the best options for word-processing and presentation. The programmability of Mathematica will allow for programming solutions and integration of specialized hardware to vastly improve the educational experience of Blind users. My talk will share the problems and solutions thus far uncovered. What is possible now, with Mathematica 9; and what is planned for in Mathematica 10. We usher an appeal to the programmers - for the creation of a non-visual interface. Together, we can imagine what is possible for non-visual input and output devises. The manifestation of that will come through creative approaches to interfacing with hardware which will be realized through custom software. Ultimately, goal is for blind students have tools which allow them to read, write and do math on their own; without much assistance. Mathematica seems to be the best hope for the implemention of this.


| Twitter_feed_on_NW.pdf (36.3 KB) - PDF Document | | WTC13_BlindMath.nb (1.2 MB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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