 Impact of Slowing Spin on the Trajectory of a Baseball

Organization: | The Pennsylvania State University |
Department: | Department of Physics |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2011
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 A flying baseball in the air not only is subject to gravity's pull, it is also subject to air resistance. A spinning ball in addition to these two forces experiences a spin-dependent force. We consider a practical scenario where the speed dependent drag force not only retards the motion, it slows the spin as well. The analysis of the kinematic and dynamic of the proposed scenario entails solving super nonlinear coupled ODEs. Utilizing Mathematica's NDSolve function, we solve these equations numerically. We compile numeric and graphic lists of quantities of interests versus their comparative counterparts of non-retarded case.


| ImpactOfSlowingSpinOnTheTrajectoryOfABaseball.cdf (240 KB) - CDF Document | | ImpactOfSlowingSpinOnTheTrajectoryOfABaseball.nb (239.3 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |